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Jun 2, 2022
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Nov 13, 2018
Category: Event
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Praise Lord



爱德华.米勒(Edward Miller)牧师证道集("耶稣显明神"等系列) 林大中牧师整理。Miller牧师的背景可查看:http://www.revivalcarriers.org/about_dr_miller.htm

編號 題目 收聽/下載
EM0001 神是什麼 Click to download EM0001: 神是什麼 (Part A)Click to download EM0001: 神是什麼 (Part B)
EM0002 神顧念 - 迦拿婚宴 Click to download EM0002: 神顧念 - 迦拿婚宴 (Part A)Click to download EM0002: 神顧念 - 迦拿婚宴 (Part B)
EM0003 神憐恤 - 井邊婦人 Click to download EM0003: 神憐恤 - 井邊婦人 (Part A)Click to download EM0003: 神憐恤 - 井邊婦人 (Part B)
EM0004 神醫治 - 大臣兒子 Click to download EM0004: 神醫治 - 大臣兒子 (Part A)Click to download EM0004: 神醫治 - 大臣兒子 (Part B)
EM0005 復活在我, 生命也在我 Click to download EM0005: 復活在我, 生命也在我 (Part A)Click to download EM0005: 復活在我, 生命也在我 (Part B)
EM0006 祂行在水面上 Click to download EM0006: 祂行在水面上 (Part A)Click to download EM0006: 祂行在水面上 (Part B)
EM0007 祂不定罪 Click to download EM0007: 祂不定罪 (Part A)Click to download EM0007: 祂不定罪 (Part B)
EM0008 祂是世上的光 Click to download EM0008: 祂是世上的光 (Part A)Click to download EM0008: 祂是世上的光 (Part B)
EM0009 祂生氣了 Click to download EM0009: 祂生氣了 (Part A)Click to download EM0009: 祂生氣了 (Part B)
EM0010 祂開了瞎子的眼 Click to download EM0010: 祂開了瞎子的眼 (Part A)Click to download EM0010: 祂開了瞎子的眼 (Part B)
EM0011 獻上香膏感謝耶穌 Click to download EM0011: 獻上香膏感謝耶穌 (Part A)Click to download EM0011: 獻上香膏感謝耶穌 (Part B)
EM0012 信我的人必永遠不死 Click to download EM0012: 信我的人必永遠不死 (Part A)Click to download EM0012: 信我的人必永遠不死 (Part B)
EM0013 祂是愛的神 Click to download EM0013: 祂是愛的神 (Part A)Click to download EM0013: 祂是愛的神 (Part B)
EM0014 祂洗門徒的腳 Click to download EM0014: 祂洗門徒的腳 (Part A)Click to download EM0014: 祂洗門徒的腳 (Part B)
EM0015 祂從死裡復活 Click to download EM0015: 祂從死裡復活 (Part A)Click to download EM0015: 祂從死裡復活 (Part B)
EM0016 因祂活著,我也要活著 Click to download EM0016: 因祂活著,我也要活著 (Part A)Click to download EM0016: 因祂活著,我也要活著 (Part B)
EM0017 祂潔淨大痲瘋 Click to download EM0017: 祂潔淨大痲瘋 (Part A)Click to download EM0017: 祂潔淨大痲瘋 (Part B)
EM0018 祂說一句話的權柄 Click to download EM0018: 祂說一句話的權柄 (Part A)Click to download EM0018: 祂說一句話的權柄 (Part B)
EM0019 祂平靜風和海 Click to download EM0019: 祂平靜風和海 (Part A)Click to download EM0019: 祂平靜風和海 (Part B)
EM0020 小子你的罪赦了 Click to download EM0020: 小子你的罪赦了 (Part A)Click to download EM0020: 小子你的罪赦了 (Part B)
EM0021 祂能赦罪 Click to download EM0021: 祂能赦罪 (Part A)Click to download EM0021: 祂能赦罪 (Part B)
EM0022 請耶穌住我家 Click to download EM0022: 請耶穌住我家 (Part A)Click to download EM0022: 請耶穌住我家 (Part B)
EM0023 祂除滅魔鬼的作為 Click to download EM0023: 祂除滅魔鬼的作為 (Part A)Click to download EM0023: 祂除滅魔鬼的作為 (Part B)
EM0024 血漏婦人得醫治 Click to download EM0024: 血漏婦人得醫治 (Part A)Click to download EM0024: 血漏婦人得醫治 (Part B)
EM0025 睚魯的女兒復活 Click to download EM0025: 睚魯的女兒復活 (Part A)Click to download EM0025: 睚魯的女兒復活 (Part B)
EM0026 我要能看見 Click to download EM0026: 我要能看見 (Part A)Click to download EM0026: 我要能看見 (Part B)
EM0027 我是主的使女 Click to download EM0027: 我是主的使女 (Part A)Click to download EM0027: 我是主的使女 (Part B)
EM0028 神與人和好 Click to download EM0028: 神與人和好 (Part A)Click to download EM0028: 神與人和好 (Part B)
EM0029 救主降生 Click to download EM0029: 救主降生 (Part A)Click to download EM0029: 救主降生 (Part B)
EM0030 祂來召罪人 Click to download EM0030: 祂來召罪人 (Part A)Click to download EM0030: 祂來召罪人 (Part B)
EM0031 聖靈的時代 Click to download EM0031: 聖靈的時代 (Part A)Click to download EM0031: 聖靈的時代 (Part B)
EM0032 聖靈與我們同在 Click to download EM0032: 聖靈與我們同在 (Part A)Click to download EM0032: 聖靈與我們同在 (Part B)
EM0033 聖靈來幫助我們 Click to download EM0033: 聖靈來幫助我們 (Part A)Click to download EM0033: 聖靈來幫助我們 (Part B)
EM0034 聖靈的工作 Click to download EM0034: 聖靈的工作 (Part A)Click to download EM0034: 聖靈的工作 (Part B)
EM0035 日常生活中的聖靈 Click to download EM0035: 日常生活中的聖靈 (Part A)Click to download EM0035: 日常生活中的聖靈 (Part B)
EM0036 耶和華的靈降在基甸身上 Click to download EM0036: 耶和華的靈降在基甸身上 (Part A)Click to download EM0036: 耶和華的靈降在基甸身上 (Part B)
EM0037 我們需要幫助者 Click to download EM0037: 我們需要幫助者 (Part A)Click to download EM0037: 我們需要幫助者 (Part B)
EM0038 看顧我的聖靈 Click to download EM0038: 看顧我的聖靈 (Part A)Click to download EM0038: 看顧我的聖靈 (Part B)
EM0039 聖靈教訓我 Click to download EM0039: 聖靈教訓我 (Part A)Click to download EM0039: 聖靈教訓我 (Part B)
EM0040 賜生命氣息的神 Click to download EM0040: 賜生命氣息的神 (Part A)Click to download EM0040: 賜生命氣息的神 (Part B)
EM0041 祂是我的老師 Click to download EM0041: 祂是我的老師 (Part A)Click to download EM0041: 祂是我的老師 (Part B)
EM0042 聖靈引導我 Click to download EM0042: 聖靈引導我 (Part A)Click to download EM0042: 聖靈引導我 (Part B)
EM0043 耶和華的氣吹在其上 Click to download EM0043: 耶和華的氣吹在其上 (Part A)Click to download EM0043: 耶和華的氣吹在其上 (Part B)
EM0044 祂澆灌口渴的人 Click to download EM0044: 祂澆灌口渴的人 (Part A)Click to download EM0044: 祂澆灌口渴的人 (Part B)
EM0045 主的靈在我身上 Click to download EM0045: 主的靈在我身上 (Part A)Click to download EM0045: 主的靈在我身上 (Part B)
EM0046 祂是良善 Click to download EM0046: 祂是良善 (Part A)Click to download EM0046: 祂是良善 (Part B)
EM0047 祂使我得安息 Click to download EM0047: 祂使我得安息 (Part A)Click to download EM0047: 祂使我得安息 (Part B)
EM0048 你們受了聖靈沒有 Click to download EM0048: 你們受了聖靈沒有 (Part A)Click to download EM0048: 你們受了聖靈沒有 (Part B)
EM0049 要被聖靈充滿 Click to download EM0049: 要被聖靈充滿 (Part A)Click to download EM0049: 要被聖靈充滿 (Part B)
EM0050 祂對我說話 Click to download EM0050: 祂對我說話 (Part A)Click to download EM0050: 祂對我說話 (Part B)
EM0051 你們心裡不要憂愁 Click to download EM0051: 你們心裡不要憂愁 (Part A)Click to download EM0051: 你們心裡不要憂愁 (Part B)
EM0052 靈將我舉起 Click to download EM0052: 靈將我舉起 (Part A)Click to download EM0052: 靈將我舉起 (Part B)
EM0053 祂開啟我的靈 Click to download EM0053: 祂開啟我的靈 (Part A)Click to download EM0053: 祂開啟我的靈 (Part B)
EM0054 祂使我開口說話 Click to download EM0054: 祂使我開口說話 (Part A)Click to download EM0054: 祂使我開口說話 (Part B)
EM0055 靠主的靈方能成事 (一) Click to download EM0055: 靠主的靈方能成事 (一) (Part A)Click to download EM0055: 靠主的靈方能成事 (一) (Part B)
EM0056 靠主的靈方能成事 (二) Click to download EM0056: 靠主的靈方能成事 (二) (Part A)Click to download EM0056: 靠主的靈方能成事 (二) (Part B)
EM0057 靠神的靈趕鬼 Click to download EM0057: 靠神的靈趕鬼 (Part A)Click to download EM0057: 靠神的靈趕鬼 (Part B)
EM0058 祂如鴿子降臨 (一) Click to download EM0058: 祂如鴿子降臨 (一) (Part A)Click to download EM0058: 祂如鴿子降臨 (一) (Part B)
EM0059 祂如鴿子降臨 (二) Click to download EM0059: 祂如鴿子降臨 (二) (Part A)Click to download EM0059: 祂如鴿子降臨 (二) (Part B)
EM0060 聖靈與火 Click to download EM0060: 聖靈與火 (Part A)Click to download EM0060: 聖靈與火 (Part B)
EM0061 聖靈沒有限量 Click to download EM0061: 聖靈沒有限量 (Part A)Click to download EM0061: 聖靈沒有限量 (Part B)
EM0062 聖靈賜給我們 Click to download EM0062: 聖靈賜給我們 (Part A)Click to download EM0062: 聖靈賜給我們 (Part B)
EM0063 祂使我想起 Click to download EM0063: 祂使我想起 (Part A)Click to download EM0063: 祂使我想起 (Part B)
EM0064 你們受聖靈 Click to download EM0064: 你們受聖靈 (Part A)Click to download EM0064: 你們受聖靈 (Part B)
EM0065 父所應許的聖靈 Click to download EM0065: 父所應許的聖靈 (Part A)Click to download EM0065: 父所應許的聖靈 (Part B)
EM0066 祂使我看見神的榮耀 Click to download EM0066: 祂使我看見神的榮耀 (Part A)Click to download EM0066: 祂使我看見神的榮耀 (Part B)
EM0067 聖靈禁止他們 Click to download EM0067: 聖靈禁止他們 (Part A)Click to download EM0067: 聖靈禁止他們 (Part B)
EM0068 未曾聽見有聖靈 Click to download EM0068: 未曾聽見有聖靈 (Part A)Click to download EM0068: 未曾聽見有聖靈 (Part B)
EM0069 聖靈立你們為長老 Click to download EM0069: 聖靈立你們為長老 (Part A)Click to download EM0069: 聖靈立你們為長老 (Part B)
EM0070 生命聖靈的律 Click to download EM0070: 生命聖靈的律 (Part A)Click to download EM0070: 生命聖靈的律 (Part B)
EM0071 心靈卻因義而活 Click to download EM0071: 心靈卻因義而活 (Part A)Click to download EM0071: 心靈卻因義而活 (Part B)
EM0072 聖靈初結的果子 Click to download EM0072: 聖靈初結的果子 (Part A)Click to download EM0072: 聖靈初結的果子 (Part B)
EM0073 聖靈替我們禱告 Click to download EM0073: 聖靈替我們禱告 (Part A)Click to download EM0073: 聖靈替我們禱告 (Part B)
EM0074 聖靈參透萬事 Click to download EM0074: 聖靈參透萬事 (Part A)Click to download EM0074: 聖靈參透萬事 (Part B)
EM0075 屬血氣的不領會聖靈 Click to download EM0075: 屬血氣的不領會聖靈 (Part A)Click to download EM0075: 屬血氣的不領會聖靈 (Part B)
EM0076 聖靈給人恩賜 Click to download EM0076: 聖靈給人恩賜 (Part A)Click to download EM0076: 聖靈給人恩賜 (Part B)
EM0077 聖靈恩賜的彰顯 Click to download EM0077: 聖靈恩賜的彰顯 (Part A)Click to download EM0077: 聖靈恩賜的彰顯 (Part B)
EM0078 聖靈作憑據 Click to download EM0078: 聖靈作憑據 (Part A)Click to download EM0078: 聖靈作憑據 (Part B)
EM0079 主的靈使我自由 Click to download EM0079: 主的靈使我自由 (Part A)Click to download EM0079: 主的靈使我自由 (Part B)
EM0080 聖靈的江河 Click to download EM0080: 聖靈的江河 (Part A)Click to download EM0080: 聖靈的江河 (Part B)
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