我已经认识耶稣了||I Know Jesus Already

下面的视频是几年前罗伊(Roy Fields)采访布永康(Reinhard Bonnke)的片段:

罗伊:当你感觉自己的时间到了,并且打算跨过去的时候,你有什么主意吗?那会象什么样的? 你在期待什么?



布永康:我已经认识耶稣了,见到他我不会感到惊讶,我已经遇见过他,我认识他,通过神的灵我已经与他建立了联系。 这不是什么我们不知道的事情。 你知道我们已经被放在与他同在的天上的地方。

因此,有些人认为你会以前所未有的方式进入主的同在。 我为自己想。 也许可能是那样。 但是我相信我已经认识他了。 而且我只会在听到他的阿们之后才去。




罗伊,非常感谢你,神祝福你。 赞美神!

布永康 1940年4月19日-2019年12月7日


Roy: When you feel like your time is up, and you’re going to crossover, have you had any kind of idea what that might be like? What are you expecting?

You know what Roy, What grows in my heart?

Roy: Please

I know Jesus already, I won’t be surprised to meet Him, I’ve met Him, I know Him, I’ve got connection with Him by the Spirit of God. It’s not something that we don’t know. You know we are placed with Him in Heavenly places already here.

So some people think you would come into the presence of the Lord like never before. I thought for myself. Maybe it’s like that. But I believe I know him already. And I will only go when I hear His amen.

Roy: It’s awesome!


Roy: I really enjoy being with you.

Thank you so much Roy, God bless you. Praise God!

Reinhard Bonnke April 19, 1940 – December 7, 2019

He has run the race and fought the fight of faith. Now you are face to face with Jesus. Thank you Reinhard. I pray the Lord will continue to help us run as you have in Jesus Mighty Name. We will miss you, but look forward to greeting you on the other side of heaven.